The scorching heat in Rajasthan, where temperatures soared to nearly 50 degrees Celsius, claimed the life of a 22-year-old student today. The reason for the student going to Jaipur was to appear for the college examination. 

Heat Wave In JaipurRajasthan 

He became unconscious after leaving the examination room, and when the ambulance reached the hospital, he was declared dead.

What to do to avoid heat waves? 

The increasing heat of Rajasthan has troubled everyone, and to avoid this heat, these are some tips which you must follow:

Stay Hydrated

First of all, stay hydrated, drink plenty of water, and eat hydrating fruits, as they will fulfil your water deficiency. 

Stay out of the sun

Go outside as much as possible, and apply sun cream on your face if you go outside. 

Wear light clothes

  Wear loose-fitting, lightweight clothing. Due to this, you will feel warm, and your body will also get fresh air. 

Eat something cold  

Eat and drink as much cold food as possible, which will keep your body hydrated, you can drink orange juice.