Government bans 18 OTT platforms for publishing obscene content

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By deepak Sharma

The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting (I&B) has taken action to block 18 OTT platforms that were showing pornographic series and movies. The directive calls for the removal of up to 19 websites and 10 apps (7 on Google Play Store and 3 on Apple App Store). Additionally, 57 social media accounts associated with these platforms have been deactivated for public access in India. Went.

19 websites, 19 apps and 57 social media handles related to them have been blocked. These platforms were warned several times. But after seeing no effect, this decision has finally been taken. Union Minister Anurag Thakur was continuously warning that OTT platforms serving obscene content will not be spared.

government ban 18 OTT platforms in India

These 18 OTT platforms were blocked

Hereโ€™s a table listing theย 18 OTT platformsย that have been blocked in India due to the publication ofย obscene and vulgar content:

Platform NameReason for Block
Uncut AddaObscene content
Tri FlicksVulgar content
X PrimePornographic content
Neon X VIPInappropriate material
BesharamsDemeaning portrayal of women
HuntersSexual innuendos
RabbitViolation of legal provisions
XtramoodExcessive nudity
NuefliksThematic irrelevance
MoodXProlonged explicit scenes
MojflixViolation of societal norms
Hot Shots VIPAbuse under the guise of creativity
FugiIndecent representation
ChikooflixViolation of IT Act
Prime PlayViolation of IPC
ย 18 OTT platforms Block

Deepak Sharma is a skilled writer with a talent for crafting compelling narratives. With two years of experience as a digital marketing specialist, Deepak brings a unique perspective to his writing, combining creativity with strategic insight. Known for his ability to captivate audiences with engaging content, Deepak is committed to delivering high-quality work that leaves a lasting impression.

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