Every year, America celebrates its Independence Day on July 4; this year, it is America's 248th Independence Day.

You must be surprised to think that the most powerful country in the world was also a slave country. Britain had 13 colonies in America, and on July 2, 1776, the people of America talked about getting independence from these colonies.

On July 4, 1776, 13 colonies voted to adopt the Declaration of Independence and declared themselves independent. After gaining independence, General George Washington became the first President of America. Even today, the people of the country know him as a great freedom fighter. The capital of the country is also named after him.

The 4th of July is a holiday in America, and you can plan to visit with your family and friends, but where? Let's go then.

– Bar Harbor, Maine – Aspen, Colorado – Lake Tahoe, California/Nevada – Portland, Oregon – The Finger Lakes, New York

Here are the cool places in America that you can visit on the 4th of July:

Give me liberty or liberate me from life. Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775, July 4, 1776, was a historic day when 13 colonies of America declared themselves independent states.

The 4th of July is celebrated as a United Festival. In the United States, this day is usually associated with babbles, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, traditional get-togethers, and political events.

In 1774, the Continental Congress sent a list to King George III. This list, full of politics, was ignored the first time. When it was ignored the second time, people became angry and decided that enough was enough. We have to separate our motherland from British rule. Our country will be independent and will be no less than anyone else.